
I’ve been blogging since 2006, this is my third blog, I look at blogs are moments, their names and feel only relevant for certain times. This blog has served me well through a really difficult time in my life. But it is time for a change. This blog was named after a Wendell Berry line, and while I still feel close to the idea it isn’t the right name for me now. Right now in my life things are about moving forward and finding successes. I feel like my roots are planted here now, but sometimes focusing on my beautiful roots can feel more like being stuck in the mud, it is time for movement and soaring. There is also a part of me that looks at the name No Unsacred Places and feels as though it is a little too spiritual for me. I’m a good agnostic Jew, a healthy dose of science and Marxism filled my childhood, so as much as I explore religion ans spirituality it will never feel like my home. So I’d like to introduce Trees in the Sidewalk there isn’t much there yet but just wait. It’s going to be a little different, a little more opinionated, a little less cute, a little more me.

All the Pieces and a Bit of Outside

Life now.



The boys

Is full of putting things together.

Not making unnecessary sacrifices because having your heart full is inspiring.

When you give up everything you damage yourself, starvation isn’t limited to food.

You need to feed your heart, as a woman, and as a mother.

Don’t do this for only for you, do it for everyone around you.

When your heart is full you can give more, do more.

Alpine Lake

We are told to keep going, that pushing hard from morning to night,

is the only way to succeed.

But if you don’t step back and see where you are and why you are moving forward you loose the plot,

forget the purpose.

Spring 2014 Portrait

When you take the time to remember why, it strengthens you.

It makes you more driven, more focused.

If you present yourself but you are missing the self-confidence and passion then all the hard work is just spinning wheels.

So take the time to feed your soul, be with the people you love.

When you are bursting full  of purpose and love the world notices.





An Reintroduction



Hi my name is Stacey and I have been absent from this space for the last a six months as I finished my last full time semester of school. I may have forgotten how to blog but since my finals ended last week and we went on a week long camping trip the cobwebs are starting to clear from the writer part of my brain. I have so many ideas I’ve been mulling over but no time to put them down here, or even in a journal. So the time has come to return. But for right now I’m going to go sit on the porch and watch the rainstorm.

New York part 3 (New York Hall of Science)

We met up with our “real Sarah” for a morning at The New York Hall of Science, I hadn’t been there since high school, wow the changes they’ve made. Most museums who focus on kids tend to look towards the younger ones but at the Hall of Science Alder was at the young end of understanding all the amazing things you could do. He was the perfect age to try the various experiments and make his own inferences, on some of them he asked for an explanation but for the most part he was happy  to just see what would happen. (While there are endless things I could say about the museum I’ll leave that to people who have gone more often).

And this wasn’t even half of the things we did!


The boys have fled to the mountains for the weekend, leaving me alone with all my work for finals. While they are at the hot springs or playing with grandma I will be here working on finals. Not exactly how I imagined spending my Mother’s Day, but I guess it really is a gift of another sort. The house needs love and there is a tempting pile of laundry I could put away but I have been given strict instructions not too. Instead I’ll avoid my work briefly here and share a few views of home today, in the eerie quietness that pervades when they first leave.

DSC_0024 The living room has been everyone’s favorite space to hangout in lately.

His Own Decorating
Alder has started to decorate his room himself, he’s got a thing for the Eiffel Tower and Paris.

The new curtains are drawn to hide the insanely beautiful day outside.

Studio Shelves
I try to keep my view from my table pleasant, even if they are ancient ’80s metal shelving.

Keeping Me Company
There is something a little cozy about my work space.

In Progress
What I’m working on.

Finished Work
What I’ve finished.

I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Finals Week

I really never thought I would ever have to write that again in my life. But here I am in the thick of it. Here are some old posts from years ago to sustain you.

All Without a Yard

We’ve reconfigured a little since this was written but spring planting is going strong.

Cabin Life 

Thinking a lot about family, especially my Dad lately.

This is For My Son  

With all that has been going on in the world, with Boston and Newtown I feel this even stronger today.

I hope that all of you are dancing the dance of Spring and new growth, and are taking every moment to be in the sun.

This Week

The Boys
They’re kinda cute together.

To Do This Week

Return Library Books
Hair Cut
Illustrations for Activities 1-9
Wednesday Morning Little Red Canoe Meeting
Review Prehistoric Era for Architectural History
Pick Up Lock for Campus Fitness Center (and start going)
Deal with Unusually Large Stack of Important Papers
Do taxes

What is on your list this week?